Cbse School in Vizag

School of Wonder Kids was started with a vision to offer education to children in a friendly and playful environment. The burden of heavy baggage, home work and more was done away with. Our main interest is to impart knowledge to the best interests for the future of the children. It is done by analyzing and understanding their strengths and weaknesses. Thereafter, we make their learning cycle simple and easy through tailoring the best possible intelligent solutions that we have on offer. Thus, we dynamically increase their learning skills in a stress-free ecological environment.

We strongly believe that our professional expertise in the field of education prepared with a new concept of School without Books, Reading and Writing, including no home work at all. This will give the kids the time to enjoy their childhood. Play while learning is not an option, it is essential. It definitely helps them to stay healthy and improve their thinking skills.

Malla RamNaidu

Malla Ramunaidu

Malla Vani sri

Malla Vanisri

Our Kids are our Inspiration

Kumari Rajitha, the eldest of the three kids of Malla Ramunaidu and Malla Vani Sri, is the recipient of National Child Award for Exceptional Achievement 1996, in the field of Mathematics. She was honoured by the then HRD Minister Mr. S.R. Bommai in Delhi . Rajitha is proud to be one among the seven child awardees. At the age of six, she could say the day of any given date from any century. Additions and subtractions are her passion, she knows the easiest root for any square root. She received tons of awards for her mathematical genius. Her extraordinary knowledge of multiplications, multiplied her name and fame from East to West.


If the first is first, the second is better than the first. Karthik, the second son started his career with ‘Ugadi Puraskar’ from Madras Telugu Academy . This itself is a testimony of his world wide knowledge. At the age of 2+ he knew the capital cities of different nations, identified different countries in the world map, recognised the flags of different nations. He could answer more than five thousand questions like the authors of different books, inventors of different inventions, geographical surnames, superlatives, abbreviations etc. Many prestigious organisations conferred upon him titles like Wonder kid, Super kid, Balaratna etc. Awards and encomiums are no new to him.


Sarvani, the youngest, has the silver lining right from her infancy. From her cradle she went to the stage to Dance. If she dances a classical item it is a real classic. The melody of her ghungru rings in the inner ears of the audience. Lights are real sights when she dances. Her accuracy, perfection, concentration for dance brought her recognition earlier than her brother and sister. Sarvani’s ‘folk’ is a ‘talk’. Call it a Bhangra, call it a Bharatanatyam, call it a Kuchipudi, she is an amalgam precipitated into artistic form of a professional dancer. Awards made her responsible. She understood the value of ‘recognition’ before she recognised alphabet. All the three attracted wide coverage in dailies, magazines and TV Channels.

Our students display the following extra-ordinary talents

1. UKG kids learn the writing of english alphabet in 3 hrs

2. UKG kids write the exam on their own without teacher’s help

3. UKG kids identify all the countries in the world map

4. UKG kids read english dailies

5. LKG kids say the capital of all the countries in the world

6. PKG kids answer more than 500 questions based on general knowledge

7. Class 1 kids possess efficient and 99% similar handwriting of english and can write any article dictated from class 5 textbook

8. Class 2 kids learn the writing of hindi in six hours

9. Class 2 kids possess efficient and 99% similar handwriting of hindi and can write any article dictated from class 5 textbook

10. Class 3 kids learn the writing of telugu in six hours

11. Class 3 kids recite hundred telugu poems

12. Class 3 kids possess efficient and 99% similar handwriting of telugu and can write any article dictated from telugu dailies

13. Class 4 kids perform speed mental math calculations

14. Class 5 students say the day of any date in any century within seconds

15. Class 5 students memorize hundreds of mobile numbers

16. Class 5 students memorize hundreds of objects given on the spot and recall them

17. Class 5 kids display photographic memory